European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA2022)

By | 1. März 2022

The next European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA2022) will take place at University Federico II in Naples, Italy from September 14 -16, 2022. ECDA 2022 is jointly organized by the Department of Political Sciences and by the Department of Economics and Statistics of the University Federico II, under the asupices of the GfKl-Data Sciene Society, the Classsification and Data Analysis Group (ClaDAG) and of the Italian Statistical Society.

With the motto “Avoiding drowning in the data: recent trends and future challenges in learning from data” ECDA 2022 emphasizes the role of statistics in discovering novel and interesting patterns in the era of big data.

Due the COVID-19 situation, the conference will be held in hybrid mode:

  • all the talks will be live-streamed
  • speakers can choose on the presentation mode: in person, or remotely.

Abstract submission until April 1st, 2022.


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