Author Archives: asaenn

IFCS Newsletter 53

Dear reader, attached you will find the latest newsletter of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS). The IFCS informs about actual changes in their structure and provides news from their associated partners. With best regards.

Calls for Papers Deadline May 31st 2016 – CESS and DAGSTAT 2016

Dear readers, please be reminded of the Call for Papers for the Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders, CESS2016 from October 20/21 2016 in Budapest. Deadline is May 31st 2016. The Call for Post-Conference Papers for Archives of Data Science, Ser. A of the DAGSTAT 2016 is scheduled on May 31st 2016.

BRCA Data Analysis Award – Deadline September 30, 2016

Dear ladies and gentlemen, please be informed about the upcoming call for submissions for the BRCA Data Analysis Award. The BRCA Data Analysis Award will be conferred for original and innovative work that uses data‐analytic and statistical methods in order to support the development of strategies for the prevention of inherited cancer caused by mutations in the… Read More »

IFCS Newsletter 52

Dear interested reader, please find the actual newsletter of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS) here. The IFCS informs about recent calls, presents news from their associated partners and highlights the winners of the IFCS Awards. With best regards.

LIS Workshop 2016

The workshop on „Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science“ (LIS 2016) was held during the 4th Joint Statistical Meeting of the Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistitk (DAGSTAT) and the 6th Library Congress in the Congress Center of Leipzig on March 16th 2016 The programme of the workshop can be found here. The presentations can be found here.

Young Statisticans Session

Dear readers, please be informed about the Young Statistican Session at DAGStat. Idea: The Young Statisticians Session can be seen as prestigious rehearsal. As a chosen Young Statistician, you can present your research in German or English in a friendly atmosphere with the opportunity to get feedback on your presentation (performance, content, layout, etc.). The chosen… Read More »

LIS Workshop 2015

The Workshop on Classification and Subject Indexing in Library and Information Science (LIS 2015) was held at the University of Essex, Colchester UK on September 02./03. 2015 as part of the European Conference on Data Analysis 2015. Here you can find the programme. Here you can find the presentations. Important Dates Oct 30, 2015: Full… Read More »

4th Joint Statistical Meeting DAGStat

We cordially invite you to the 4th Joint Statistical Meeting of the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat 2016) from March 14 to 18, 2016, in Göttingen. Under the motto “Statistics under one Umbrella” the planned conference program contains contributions of all areas of statistics and many applications of statistical methods. Scientific exchange between the participating societies… Read More »

Paper submission and conference registration open – ECDA2015

Today the submission of abstracts and the registration for the conference opened at In 2015 the special issue of the open-access eJournal Archives of Data Science replaces the traditional proceedings volume of the annual GfKl conferences published by Springer since 1990. We are pleased to welcome all interested colleagues and researchers!