The British, German and Polish Classification Societies invite you to the European Conference on Data Analysis 2015, which will take place from September 2nd to September 4th 2015 at the University of Essex, Colchester, UK.
The scientific program of the conference will include invited sessions and contributed presentations covering a broad range of topics. A special emphasis is laid on research on and development of innovative tools, techniques and strategies that address current challenges of Data Science. We solicit contributions from scholars and practitioners from all domains where computational, mathematical, statistical and data analytical methods for Data Science are being developed and applied.
ECDA 2015 also incorporates a Workshop on Library and Information Science (LIS’2015), soliciting contributions on the role of classification and data analysis in this domain.
Accepted contributed and invited presentations at ECDA2015 will be published as post conference peer-reviewed full papers in the open access e-journal Archives of Data Science.
In addition a selected number of peer-reviewed papers will be published in a Special Issue of the Journal Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC).
Important Dates
Mar 20, 2015 (updated): Registration and submission starts on conference webpage
May 15, 2015: Abstract submission deadline
June 30, 2015: Notification of acceptance of abstracts
July 15, 2015: Early registration deadline
Sept 2-4, 2015: Conference
Oct 30, 2015: Full paper submission deadline for Archives of Data Science
Feb 15, 2016 (tentative): Notification of acceptance for Archives of Data Science