Kick-off Meeting for the Working group AG ETHICS

By | 18. Dezember 2019

Dear all,

you are highly invited to participate and contribute to the Kick-off Meeting for the Working group AG ETHICS at Hamburg from 8th to 9th May 2020, hosted under the umbrella of the GfKl (Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V.).


The general goal of the working group is to inspire data scientists to participate in the debate on the impact that their professional work has on society, and to become active in public debates on the digital world as data science professionals.

One important means to that end within the GFKL is to work towards ethical guidelines for the GFKL.

In this Kick-off meeting on Friday May 8th , we want to have several talks that highlight specific and general ethical issues for data scientists in different fields (e.g.  life sciences, sociology, economics, engineering, academia/corporate, …).

On Saturday May 9th those interested to participate in the working group will define together the scope, the short and long-term goals and the working plan for the AG ETHICS.


To facilitate discussions, pre- and if wanted, post-workshop, we set up a mailing list, and  you can join via

If you want to present, please provide an abstract until March 31st, 2020.


  • Date and Time: May 8th and 9th 2020, start: Friday, 13:00h — end: Saturday, 13:00
  • Location: Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Holstenhofweg 85, Mensa building, (Thomas-Ellwein Saal/Room 0001)
  • Focus: Kick-off AG Ethics
  • Registration: Please write an email to
  • Presentations: Abstracts by March 31st 2020
  • Mailing list for discussions:
  • Program: tba (start: Friday, 14:00h — end: Saturday, 13:00)
  • Organized by: Detlef Steuer and Ursula Garczarek


The event is free and membership in the GFKL is not required.


Looking forward to many participants 😊,


Ursula and Detlef