Each natural or legal entity can become member of the society. Requests for membership should be addressed to the treasurer of the GfKl, Prof. Dr. Matthias Gehrke.
Please use the form “Request for Membership” in the Download Area.
The member circle is compounded transdiscplinary and technically broadly strewn. It covers specialists from theory and practice, the different sciences, the economy and the administration.
Why is a membership worthwhile?
You will get:
- Participation in the GfKl annual conventions and conferences of the working groups with information about latest research results
- Communication and exchange of experience with other members of the GfKl
- Cooperation in the working groups of the GfKl
- Participation in Workshops and Tutorials
- Co-operation along and contact to experts of the foreign partner societies
- Automatic membership in the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS)
- Regular information about news and activities from the range of classification and data analysis by the letter to members of the GfKl
- The IFCS newsletter
Membership dues:
Personal members: 40.00 €/Year
Corporative members: 75.00 €/Year
Promoting members: starting from 150.00 €/Year
Student members: 10.00 €/Year
Emeriti: 10.00 €/Year
For simplification, membership dues can be paid comfortably by debit (within Germany only). Use our form for the permission of the direct debit authorization (Einzungsermächtigung).